Middle Tennessee Auto Workers Laid Off Just Before Thanksgiving

Even though Platinum Holiday Lighting is starting to get into the Christmas spirit, hundreds of Middle Tennessee families are still trying to digest some terrible news.

Last week, General Motors laid off about 1,000 workers from two Spring Hill manufacturing plants, making it the largest GM layoff in the city this decade. More than 640 third-shift employees were let go from the plant the night before Thanksgiving; and an additional 360 or so were released from GM subcontractor Ryder, which provides the plant with logistical support.

There are some silver linings to this layoff. Many of the employees will receive holiday pay and/or bonus checks in the coming weeks, and GM is planning to invest almost $300 million in the plant next year, which could lead to many of the laid-off workers being rehired in 2018.

But for now, the families of those affected by the layoff are left to face an unknown future as they enter the holiday season. They must decide whether or not to spend more frugally this Christmas and/or cut back on holiday travel and activities for budgetary reasons. And it may be difficult to gauge when or if the workers will be rehired by GM – leaving many to wonder if they should update their resumes and try to change career paths.

If you know anyone who has been impacted by the layoff, Platinum Holiday Lighting encourages you to share some of your blessings with them this holiday season. Whether it’s some material assistance like meals, gift cards, or toys or just a sympathetic ear and some additional prayers, your generosity will brighten their lives and make a difference. After all, that’s one of the biggest reasons why all of us at Platinum Holiday Lighting love Middle Tennessee: because it’s a community that treats neighbors like family members – especially when they are in need.

Image credit: GM Logo by JM3 on Flickr
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